Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Polish sausage

We cannot seem to find them anywhere. Everyone has been asking what its like to eat Polish sausage in Poland. No have, only Polish Ravioli. Today was a rough one! Breakfast, internet, nap, 24, internet, lunch, 24, dinner, dessert, and now.....well, blogging! We really left our room only to eat breakfast and dinner. We had lunch in our room. No volleyball today. The break feels good. Our bodies are tired. Tomorrow, we will watch some and get a little workout in, then head to Warsaw on Friday. We will be sightseers for 24 hours before hopping on the plane to Berlin.

1 comment:

scoad said...

Uhh, wouldn't it just be plain sausage? It's like finding french fries in France. That tractor reminds me of your old Honda. It probably stays in gear better though. Clear your minds, recover, kick booty!