Saturday, August 23, 2008

Love it!

So today was a good day. Many things that could have been done, but very few that got done. I woke, played volleyball at Ponto beach with Veronica, Colleen, and Kelly..... lot of fun! Drove to SFC to interview the new middle school coach, then straight to Oceanside to check out Zsu Zsi swimsuits. These swimsuits are awesome. They are cute and designed for athletic women. Stephanie, the owner, gave me a couple to wear for the Motherlode next weekend, so we will see how it works out. BUt, I gotta say I am very excited for a great swimsuit sponsor. After that, home....relax for a few minutes then off to the movies with Drew....we saw Tropic Thunder......Hilarious! Now I am off to bed! But ahead in the next week......more Carlsbad volleyball, meeting with Maria to get SBVC rolling for the next season and many, many lessons. Life is good, slower than normal for me, but sometimes I need this! tata


Elroy Kihano said...

After watching beach volleyball games during the Olympics, I hope you will consider contiuing the journey you started these past 2 years.

I believe you can still achieve that ultimate goal, being an Olympian.

mike said...

nice photo. very laid back. is that your house in the background? yes i agree with EK. London 2012!